Our Mission
To find canine behavior solutions that reduce canine surrender and euthanasia and keep dogs in their owners’ home as trusted and valued companions for life.
What We Do
CCBS pursues canine behavior research that benefits both humans and canines. We pride ourselves on educating dog owners to better understand and interact with man's best friend. CCBS strives to be the premier resource for dog owners when their dog misbehaves.
Why We Do It
Because killing 800,000 dogs each year in America is still too many!
The Humane Society’s estimates that 30% to 40% of relinquished pets are surrendered due to behavior problems. In fact, this number could be significantly higher!
CCBS research will help reduce behavior related surrender by finding and sharing solutions that resolve canine misbehavior, maintain the human-canine bond and keep dogs in their homes for life.
Our Motto
Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
Join us and support our quest to reduce surrender and euthanasia.

Meet the CCBS Team
Our Advisory Board
Center for Canine Behavior Studies, Inc.
CCBS is a non profit 501(c)(3) Corporation
P.O. Box 532, Salisbury, CT 06068