PUBLISHED: The effectiveness of various methods for the treatment of canine fears
Press Release - For Immediate Release September 2022 – The Center for Canine Behavior Studies, Inc. is proud to announce that the Journal...
PUBLISHED: The effectiveness of various methods for the treatment of canine fears
PUBLISHED: Selection Factors Influencing Eventual Owner Satisfaction about Pet Dog Adoption
"Are playful dogs smarter?" NBC News
Are you buying pet products with your dog in mind?
The Loss
Meeting Betty White
Dogs & OCD
Cannabis for cats and dogs
Washington Post Magazine: A Dog's Life
On Healing
Curing Separation Anxiety in Your Dog
Cats: Enrichment, medication, and more
Listen in: Separation Anxiety Podcast
The Surge Of Pandemic Pet Adoptions
Decoding Dogs: Tail Chasing
Decoding Dogs: Light/Shadow Chasing
Vacationing with Pets: To Bring or Not to Bring - That is the Question
Decoding Dogs: Trancing
CCBS YouTube Channel
Dr. Dodman weighs in on:"Conservation Dogs"