Rainbow Bridge
Celebrate the life of your beloved pet by making a Memorial Gift Donation to CCBS. Making a donation to honor the memory of your loved one will support the CCBS mission to make a better life for all canines.
Everyone who makes a Memorial Gift Donation will receive a request to submit picture of their pet for our Memorial Wall.
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."
Individual Donations
You can make your direct, tax-deductible donation in these two ways:
​​1. Donate through PayPal
​2. Or mail your check payable to:
Center for Canine Behavior Studies, Inc.
P.O. Box 984
Salisbury, CT 06018
Corporate Sponsorship and Planned Bequest
By making a planned gift (Corporate Sponsorship and Planned Bequest) to the Center for Canine Behavior Studies​, you can gain financial and tax benefits for you and your family while helping to save lives. Planned giving benefits the giver and receiver. Your estate planner can explain the different ways you can beneficially structure a gift or bequest once our new tax status is approved.
One of the best ways to provide planned giving support to a favorite charity is through the gift of a paid life insurance policy. This can be done in many ways with different tax advantages and benefits to both the giver and recipient.
Contact Allie Tellier, Executive Director Canine Center for Behavior Studies for more information - executivedirector@centerforcaninebehaviorstudies.org
Pet Loss On-line Resources
Click on any of these links: